In wireless networks, resource allocation includes scheduling, routing, flow control, channel assignment and power control. These problems are fundamentally interrelated and any scheme used to address one of them, will impact the others. Therefore, using separate algorithms for each part may cause inefficiency or inconsistency. A joint approach to these issues can cause either higher throughput or less usage of resources. In this dissertation , we attain a joint formulation of scheduling, routing, flow control and channel assignment. Our approach is novel in that it integrates optimal scheduling with a modified version of distributed minimum delay routing. We propose a convex optimization formulation and solve it through two different methods. Based on these methods, we develop a heuristic algorithm for the solution which is distributed as far as its routing and flow control is concerned. Performance of proposed algorithm is better than the previous algorithms in many ways. We demonstrate by analysis and simulation, that the algorithm achieves fairness and/or priorities among users in accordance with pre-assigned user parameters. In sharp contrast to alternative algorithms that perform scheduling and packet routing based on per-session queue differential between adjacent nodes, our algorithm uses a complete multi-hop view of network conditions for packet routing. Numerical and simulation studies show that our algorithm, when compared to a rival algorithm, essentially achieves the same throughput, is somewhat better in terms of fairness/priority properties, and is far superior with respect to queue sizes, end-to-end delays, packet misordering, energy consumption and convergence speed. In addition, simulation results do not report any reduction in the throughput. Finally, we extend our formulation to also include power control and come up with an integrated algorithm for the combined problem. Key Words: Routing, Flow Control, Scheduling, Channel Assignment, Wireless Networks, Convex Optimization.