Robust stability is the most important requirement, dealing with uncertain switched linear systems. This dissertation studies the robust stability and stabilization of switched linear systems with parametric uncertainties which typically arise when switched linear models are derived based on physical laws. Since the switching signal plays a key role in stability analysis, proposed results are categorized according to the switching signals, into arbitrary and constrained switching. For switched linear systems with uncertain parameters belong to known intervals, sufficient conditions are proposed to ensure robust stability under arbitrary switching and slow switching signals with the known minimum dwell time. In addition, stability intervals of uncertain parameters are estimated in the way that the uncertain switched linear systems are robustly stable. Since the proposed stability intervals depend on the choice of Lyapunov functions, suitable optimization methods are included to enlarge the obtained intervals. For stabilization of parametric uncertain switched linear systems with unstable subsystems, stabilizing state feedback gains are designed for arbitrary and dwell time switching signals. Then, design methods for quadratic and piecewise quadratic stabilizing state-dependent switching signals are proposed. Numerical examples and a case study are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results. Key Words Switched linear system, parametric uncertainty, robust stability, robust stabilization