: Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a comprehensive description of an enterprise, containing a huge collection of models, diagrams, documents needed for applying in the enterprise’s business. Such a huge jungle of models may not be organized without the proper use of a logical structure. Framework presents a logical structure for categorizing architecture blueprints. So, framework is the most important concept in the enterprise architecture, and enterprise architecture depends on it to achieve its goals. Current researches show that enterprise architecture is one of the most important issues in executive management. Although lots of enterprises in modern countries like to establish EA for it’s advantages but most enterprises in our country have problems in establishing EA. In this thesis, we introduce EA methodologies and modeling techniques and compare these methods with software architecture methodologies and frameworks. We also compare different EA frameworks and methodologies with each other. Based on this comparison we suggest an enterprise architecture framework and methodology that can be used in our enterprises. A case study is done upon which qualifies this suggestion.