One of the important issues in wireless communication networks is supplying energy to wireless users. In a conventional system this problem is resolved by copper wires and power supplies. With the wide and fast development of wireless communication systems, wireless power transfer problem has been raised, because wireless nodes may not lie be in an inaccessible environment and it is cumbersome to replace or recharge batteries. Sowireless energy transfer insures reliability and prolongs the operation of such wireless systems. One of the common wireless energy transfer technics is energy harvesting from radio frequency signals. The main feature of this method is permanent energy availability forharvesting, while extensive efforts are made to decrease the utilization of radio resources in green communications. So transmitting the least energy by these resources and getting the most from them has become an attractive topic. A convenient approach is based on, beamforming for efficient energy and information transfer. Cooperative communication systems can be an appropriate research field to attain this goal. Most of researches in energy harvesting field, assume linear models for energy harvesters. In this model, the harvested DC power is proportional, without any constraint, to the arriving power at the harvester circuit. But practical experiments on radio frequency harvester show extreme non linearity. Thus, linear energy harvesting model is unrealistic. Energy harvesting idea in cooperative communication systems is notable for efficient data and energy transfer. Some conditions such as nodes mobilities create some problems to be addressed.In this research, we analyze dual hop cooperative communication system, in whichthe relay is equipped toharvest energy. Some protocols are for transmitting data and energy and, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) protocol is examined with further detail. Time-switching and power-splitting are common SWIPT protocols. Recently, a novel structure presented in the literature that combines time-switching and power splitting protocols whose performance depends on channel situations. On the other hand, because of the role of channel characteristics on data and power transmitting qualities, we consider different environments through general fading models and present a more real and accurateanalysis. Among general fading in the literature, ?-µ distribution is more common in wireless communications. Also, for analyzing practical systems, a non-linear homographic model is used that shows good trade off between mathematical tractability and fitness to practical data from the harvesters' circuits. Finally, we will observe that using more realistic constraints, leads to better performance analysis and general results. Comparing optimal circumstances for different SWIPT protocols, hybrid protocol shows better performance.