Human genomes vary from each other in certain positions. Single nucleotide polymorphism (), is the most common type of these variations. are of importance in drug design and medical diagnostic applications and they also offer highest resolution for tracking disease genes. In diploid organisms such as human, the chromosomes come in two copies (one inherited from the mother and one from the father). The sequence on each copy of chromosome is called haplotype. Current sequencing technologies can only provide fragments in at most several thousand base pairs and they cannot tell which copy of chromosome the fragments belong to. Hence, computational methods are used to rebuild two haplotypes from these fragments. Sequencing technologies provide quality value Q, which is an integer mapping of q (the probability that the corresponding base call is incorrect). The current state-of-the-art single individual haplotyping algorithm uses Max-SAT. In this research, we have proposed a novel method that uses weighted Max-SAT and WMLF model instead of Max-SAT and MEC model, with purpose of using quality values to make results more accurate. There are several models for single individual haplotyping problem. In this research, it is shown that a maximum likelihood model and the MEC model are equivalent under reasonable approximations. Although there are some criticisms on the MEC model, this shows its rationality. We also have proposed a novel metric called "Weighted Reconstruction Rate". To evaluate the proposed algorithm, we compared it with two other methods using MEC and the proposed metric. The results of this comparison on real data for NA12878 show slight improvements, given that the accuracy of methods is more than 90%. Keywords: , haplotype, Single Individual Haplotyping, Haplotype Assembly, Satisfiablity