These days, Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer treatment research has faced many challenges like expensive cost of clinical experiments. Cancer is considered as a complex system and obviously it is not plausible for a complex phenomena to find a complete and coherent concept from some scattered facts. Metabolic pathways of cancer cells play a major role in cancer treatment studies. Understanding the complexity of the cancer cell behaviors due to the metabolic pathways is required to develop some models through which, cellular interactions and their willingness to alternative routes could be investigated. These models can help to find out some coherent concepts about metabolism of the cancer cells. Multi-agent systems and differential equations can be appropriate mathematical tools for modeling the cells behavior since they consider the interactions of cells and continuous changes of environmental factors. In this research, the emergence of a type of cells with different metabolic processes from other normal cells is simulated and analyzed. These specific type of cells, in a biological symbiosis with Glycolysis and Glucose Respiration cells, consume lactate and produce energy in an aerobic process. In this study, using multi-agent systems approach and fame theoretic concepts of game theory, differential equations, and cellular Automata, two different models have been developed. In our first model, the effects of the oxygen limitation on cell interactions is considered as a cellular Automata law. The results of simulation illustrate the emergence of Lactate Respiration species. Moreover, the spatial structure of the Lactate Respiratory cells between two types of Glucose Respiration and Glycolysis is well shown using the first model. In addition, according to the results of the simulations, emergence of the Lactate Respiratory species and their spatial structures are independent of initial conditions. Developing the second model, the effects of oxygen limitation is considered as players benefits in the played games between cells. Although the results of the second model still illustrate the emergence of the Lactate Respiratory cells with some specific initial conditions, it cannot show the spatial structures of cells. In addition, according to the second model, the emergence of Lactate Respiratory cells depends on initial conditions. Using the second model, future research could develop a complete theoretical models which is not required high cost computer simulations since all interactions and effects are considered as game theoretical payoffs Key Words: Evolutionary Game Theory, Cellular Automata, Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Cancer, Metabolism, Interaction, Population Dynamics, Symbiosis.