In recent decades, one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures have been extensively investigated because of their interesting properties and their mesoscopic physics. Among them, carbon nanostructures are the best studied in both theoretical and experimental fields. On the other hand, carbon-based nanostructures are not suitable for all applications because of their small bandgap. Fortunately, a good alternative to carbon-based systems is a These systems could open the spectrum of applications of one-dimensional systems. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS$_2$) is layered transition-metal di-calcogonide (TMDC) semiconductor that has attracted considerable interest because of its properties. The extended bloch functions are used frequently for description of crystal electronic behavior in reciprocal space. But this extended representation isn't appropriate for calculation of properties that relatated to electron behavior in real space such as electronic traort that we want to investigate. A good approach for description electronic behavior in real space is use set of localized function such as maximally localized wannier functions(MLWFs) that obtain from ab initio calculation and we use that in this work. In this work First we studied about MoS$_2$'s properties and then the Marzari and Vanderbilt algorithm for finding the maximally localized wannier functions and the Green's function approach for obtain quantum traort of one-dimensional sysytem, is introduced. At the end We investigated effect of width and strain on quantum traort for MoS$_2$ armchair nanoribbons.