In this thesis, stimulated Raman scattering(SRS) and electron heating in laser plasma propagating along the plasma fusion is investigated by particle-in cell simulation. Then with applying an external magnetic field on plasma, productio of whistler waves and electron heating associated with whistler waves in direction perpendicular to external magnetic field was observed in simulation. Before we go any deeper into laser plasma interaction, we need to be able to understand what Landau Damping is. Landau Damping is often as collision- less damping, which results from the resot energy exchange between waves and plasma particle. In this thesis, we applied a small hnitial perturbation, in order to observe the decaying rate of the electrostatic energy, to observed Landau Damping. In the field of laser fusion, controlling the groth rate of instabilities has long been recognized as necessary condition for the feasibility of direct and indirect-drive fusion schemes. Stimulated Rama scattering(SRS) is just one of these instabilities, whose critical feature is to generate energy electrons, which can preheat the core of fusion reactor. The plasma wave with low phase velocities generated in B-SRS, dominates initially in time and space, accelerated the backward electrons by trapping them. Then this electrons boosted to higher energies by the F-SRS plasma waves with high phase velocities.tow-stage electron acceleration may be more efficient du to the coexistence of these tow instabilities. Numerical simulation of the interaction of laser pulse propagating along external magnetic field show that, along with electrostatic upper hybried wave, a laser pulse can parametrically excite abroad spectrum of whistler wave with frecuencies below the electron cyclotron frecuency. The mechanisms of particle heating by wane turbulence can be strongly influenced by the dispersion properties of oscillations in a relativistic plasma. In the case when the spectrum of phase velocities is broad enough, the heating can be described using the framework of quasilinear theory. Electron heating predominantly in the direction perpendicular to laser pulse prppagation was observed in simulations. A two-dimensional relativistic electromagnetic particle-in-cell code XOOPIC used to simulation of laser plasma interactions. The object-oriented implementation of the code makes relatively simple the task of extending and including new physics into the original code. The XOOPIC code has implemented Cartesian and Cylindrical geometries. It can also handle electrostatic and electromagnetic simulations and relativistic and non-relativistic particles. Keywords fusion, Whistler wave, laser, plasma,stimulated Raman scattering, Landau Damping, cyclotron frecuency, dispersion relative, simulation, object-oriented.