The Garra Hamilton, 1822, a genus of the family Cyprinidae with around 11 valid species is widely distributed in the freshwaters of Iran. Most species are adapted to flowing streams and rivers, and exhibit unique morphological modifications associated with their lips and other structures around the mouth. The major objectives of this study were to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Garra using osteological and molecular data (ncDNA and mtDNA). In osteological part, we analyzed 53 populations of Garra from different river and used 53 characters. The results in this part showed that there are many similarities in osteological structers of different populations and finally skeletal data could not recounstruct phylogenetic realtionships in this genus. For molecular part, we sampled from 28 rivers, sequenced 129 for COI, 133 for Cyt b and 158 for Rh genes. After collecting other sequences from GenBank, phylogenetic trees (BI and ML) for COI gene based on 215 uniqe sequences, for Cyt b gene based on 123 uniqe sequences, for Rh gene based on 53 uniqe sequences and for combined data based on 132 uniqe sequences, were obtained. The phylogenetic trees showed that there were three new lineages ( Garra sp. 1, Garra sp. 2 and Garra sp. 3) from Tigris and Karun basins that were monophyletic with G. gymnothorax , G. lorestanensis and G. typhlops (clade I). The G. rufa , G. amirhosseini , G. mondica , Garra sp. 4 and G. persica were monophyletic. Garra rossica and G. nudiventris had small genetic divergence. Phylogenetic performance of each gene, as well as their implications in the investigation of the evolution of Garra showed COI, Cyt b and combined data had phylogenetic signals but Rh gene couldnot result in a reasonable phylogenetic tree.