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Nasrollah Mahboobi Soofiani,Yazdan Keivany
نصرالله محبوبی صوفیانی (استاد راهنما) یزدان کیوانی (استاد راهنما)
Samira Hamzeh
سمیرا حمزه


دانشکده منابع طبیعی
Master of Science (MSc)


Reproductive Biology of Kingsoldier Bream (Argyrops spinifer) in Coastal Waters of Bushehr Province (Persian Gulf)
The reproductive characteristics such as reproductive cycle, gonad maturation, gonado-somatic indices (GSI) and fecundity of 639 kingsoldier bream, Argyrops spinifer , a commercial species of Sparidae family in the Persian Gulf were investigated by monthly sampling during June 2010 to May 2011. Samples were caught by local fisherman using trawl net in waters of Bushehr province in the northern part of the Persian Gulf. Each month, a total of 50 to 60 specimens of fish were examined, on average. Total length of fish sampled ranged from 15 to 61.2 cm in males and 13.5 to 64.2 cm in females and total weight ranged 77-3450 g and 52.5-4162 g in males and females, respectively. Size (Lm 50 ) and age (Am 50 ) at first maturity were estimated to be 30.1 cm total length and 5 years for males and 31.3 cm total length and 6 years for females, this indicate that A. spinifer is exploited below the mean size at sexual maturity. Age determination using annual growth rings on sagittal otoliths was estimated. Age groups of females and males were in the range of 2 + to 21 + and 2 + to 25 + , respectively. The overall sex ratio was 0.8:1 (male: female) and were significantly different from the expected ratio of 1 : 1 (p 0.05, ? 2 test). The most frequent age groups were 2 + and 3 + in males and females, respectively. The highest value of condition factor was observed in January for females and in February for males. The minimum, maximum and average absolute fecundity were 79061, 2374796 and 682940 ± 527998, respectively for females 17-47 cm total length and weighing 117.5-1666 gr. The relationship between absolute fecundity and fish total length was represented by the following linear equation: F= 54417 L – 92699 (r = 0.767), and a linear equation: F = 1165 W + 41595 (r = 0.806) was found between absolute fecundity and fish weight. The analysis of ova diameter for the species revealed that there are 3 egg batches in ripe ovary of A. spinifer and swing diameter of eggs in the ovaries of these fish throughout the year, was between 25 to 800 microns. Regarding gonado-somatic index (GSI) values, oocyte diameter, histological studies and abundance of different stages of maturity at different month, it seems that spawning of A. spinifer occurs from December to April. Indeed, gonad maturation started from December and spawning completed in March and April. Long spawning season suggests that A. spinifer is a multiple spawner with an asynchronous ovary. This finding could be confirmed by oocyte diameter and histological studies, too. No changes in gonad conditions were noted from May to October. The results of the present study presume state of both protogyny and rudimentary hermaphroditism in A. spinifer . The results of this study provide fundamental information on the reproduction biology of A. spinifer in the Northern Persian Gulf that can be used in management models for the continued sustainable exploitation of this species in the Iranian demersal coastal fisheries. Keywords : Kingsoldier bream, Argyrops spinifer , Sparidae, Persian Gulf, Reproductive characteristics.
در این مطالعه، ویژگی های تولیدمثلی 639 قطعه ماهی کوپر ( Argyrops spinifer )، یکی از گونه های تجاری خانواده شانک ماهیان (Sparidae) در خلیج فارس، با نمونه برداری ماهیانه از خرداد ماه 1389 تا اردیبهشت ماه 1390، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نمونه‌برداری در آب‌های شهرستان بوشهر در شمال خلیج فارس و به وسیله تور ترال انجام گرفت. گروه سنی افراد ماده و نر به ترتیب بین + 2 تا + 21 و + 2 تا + 25 سال متغیر بود. نسبت جنسی 8/0 : 1 (نر به ماده) بود. در جنس های نر و ماده به ترتیب گروه های سنی + 2 و + 3 بیشترین فراوانی را داشتند. بیشینه ضریب وضعیت از نظر عددی برای جنس ماده در ماه دی و برای جنس نر در ماه بهمن به دست آمد. کمینه و بیشینه و میانگین هم آوری مطلق به ترتیب برابر 79061، 2374796 و 527998 ±682940 ، به دست آمد. با توجه به شاخص گنادی (GSI)، قطر تخمک، توزیع ماهیانه فراوانی مراحل مختلف رسیدگی تخمدان و بررسی های بافت شناسی، دوره تولیدمثل این گونه از آذر تا فروردین برآورد گردید. در واقع می توان گفت که بلوغ گنادی Argyrops spinifer از آذر ماه شروع شده و در اسفند و فروردین به طور کامل تخم ریزی می نماید. فصل تخم ریزی طولانی مدت نشان می دهد که این ماهی تخم ریز چندباره (Multiple spawner) است و تخمدان غیرهمزمان (Asynchronous) دارد. نتایج مطالعات بافت شناسی و مطالعه قطر تخمک نیز این نکته را تأیید می کند. با توجه به نتایج این مطالعه احتمال می رود که این ماهی هم دارای استراتژی پروتوجینی و هم هرمافرودیت ابتدایی (Rudimentary hermaphroditism) باشد. کلمات کلیدی: کوپر، Argyrops spinifer ، شانک ماهیان، خلیج فارس، ویژگی های تولیدمثلی

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