Coastal environments are one of themost important socio-economic and ecological ecosystems where interaction ofthe sea and land processes occurs. Powerful and dynamic physical forcescontinuously shape the coastal zone and its ecosystems and also pose risks to humanactivities. Thus, coastal vulnerabilities related to these powers and methodsto quantify them, has been considered. In this study we used CoastalVulnerability Index (CVI) and Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) to evaluatephysical and ecological vulnerability of Makran coastline in Sistan andBaluochestan province of Iran. CVI is one of the most effective methods toassess coastal vulnerability to coastline change and sea level rise both in lowand long term, in particular due to erosion and inundation. In this regard, wegenerated Makran coastline physical vulnerability map and justify;" Gazela benetti,sea turtles and sea birds presence and absence data in R software. Afterpreparing habitat suitability map for each of species, we defined some distancecriteria to assess ecological vulnerability which were based on biologicalbehavior of each species. They are 2 kilometer for sea birds and sea turtulsalong the coast line and 5 kilometers for Gazeilaenetti inour terrestrial study area. Finaly the interfering places, in defineddistances, were justify;" gazelle benettiihabitat suitability, are caused by vilages, cities and human facilities likemain road is remarkably expanded especially Bahookalat, kooh poozak and Pozm-Konark protected area. Most of highly vulnerable portion from both physical andecological point of views, are scattered along estuarine places like Gwadaregulf, Tang Bandar, Gurdim, Khore Galak, Khore meydani, Lipar and Kachoo and thelowest of them are scattered along the Beris, and Pasabandar coasts. Theresults of this study could be useful for conservation planning and alsomitigation of the vulnerable areas both in coastal and terrestrial portion ofstudy area.