The collect and reuse at wastewater and swage in agriculture, natural resources and green space are important ways to protect water resources and the environment. The harmful and poisonous impacts of the wastewater reuse such as heavy metal on human health and soil should be seriously considered. The aim of study is to investigate the impact of wastewater of ZOBAHAN factory on some soil properties cultivated with tree species. Five irrigation treatments, well water, 25%water +75% wastewater, 50%water +50% wastewater, 75%water +25% wastewater and 100% wastewater with four tree species ( Cupressus arizonica, Morus alba, Pinus eldarica, Eucalyptus camalddulensis ) and at three depths; (organic matter and CEC were measured at 0-10 cm depth, Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, Cl and Hco3 at 2 depths of 0-10 and 10-30 cm and Na, K, Mg+ Ca, SAR, ECe and PH at 0-10, 10-30 and 30-60 cm) were analyzed by the use of random blocks methods, factorial split for 3 and 2 depths and split plot for 1 depth. The results showed that there is no significant difference between heavy metal in different treatments and the maximum values were observed for 100% wastewater and the minimum for control Treatment (well water). The comparison between soil heavy metals before and after irrigation treatment showed that ZOBAHAN factor’s wastewater increases the soil heavy metals. However, the concentrations of the element are within standard limitation except for cadmium. There is also significant difference between ECe, SAR and PH between different treatments, in which, control treatment (well water) has the highest and wastewater treatment has the lowest ECe and SAR. In comparison between different tree species, the soil planted with mulberry has a highest concentration of Zn, Cu and Pb. There is also significantly different between Zn، Cu and Cd in depths deeper than 10-30 cm. Also, the comparison between Cl, ECe and SAR for different depths showed significant difference, such that ECe and Cl have higher concentrations in surface soil and decreased in deeper parts. Increasing in wastewater volume, organic matter increased such that the wastewater treatment has the highest organic mater concentration. Generally, this study showed that the wastewater treatment will result in better soil; condition for plants as it decrease salinity and increases the organic matter. Based on the concentration of heavy metals and salinity, and to reduce the poisonous impacts, we can choose the best water and wastewater treatment for planting. According to these results, treatment no. 3(1:1 water to wastewater ratio) is the best irrigation treatment.