: Flood is the second natural hazard damaging human communities. Cities and population centers receives the highest risk with highest tangible physical flood damage. Therefore, it is the first step is to identify flood vulnerable areas for optimum management and mitigation strategies definitions of flood. In this study, Jiroft city and its vicinity was found as a vulnerable point due to its geomorphic location at the junction of two important rivers of Halilrud basin and selected in order to study the flood hazard. As there is no hydrometery station at the Jiroft city, regional flood frequency method was used to estimate flood at ungauged watersheds. In this way, 13 hydrometery stations in the basin were selected and regional flood frequency was applied based on L-moments after homogenization test using H and D statistics. The HEC-GEO RAS was applied to derive the watershed boundary of each station and other hydro-geomorphic, climatic and physical parameters of the watersheds were extracted by ARC Hydro, HEC-GEO HMS and other statistical methods. The 2002 ETM + satellite image was also used to extract land use as a hydrologic parameter. After geometric and atmospheric correction and using supervised ltr"