Wind erosion is considered as one of the most important factors of soil degredation and loss in arid and semi arid regions. Wind erosion and sedimentation include detachment, traortation and deposition of soil particles by wind. To increase stability of soil surface and for soil conservation against wind erosion, artifitial covers can be used, along with vegetation cover. Among artifitial covers, one can use industrial offals which produced inexpensively. Steel slag is a by-product of iron and steel industries which is produced in massive amount in Isfahan and contains valuable combinations and material. In this study, the possibilty of application of steel slag as a mulch for wind erosion control purposes in Harand region soils has been investigated and moreover, the most appropriate combination of surface cover, graining, mulch diameter and its effects on sediment trapping and accumulation of erosioned particles has been studied. The sudy area in this research is Harand plain in east Isfahan which is one of the most critical erosion sites in Isfahan province. In present study experiment treatments included thichnesse at 2 levels (1 2 layers), cover percentage at 4 levels (25, 50, 75 and 100 percent), graining at 3 diameter levels (15-30, 30-45 45-60 mm), wind velocity at 7 levels and their reciprocal effects. The portable wind tunnel has been used to generate winds with given velocity. Sediment samples ingathered from 0-20 cm depth and initially stymied under different wind velocities and critical velocity has been calculated. Then, in 5 minutes time basis, stymied under velocities more than critical velocity and soil loss amount has been calculated. Also for scrutiny of effect of slag in sediment trapping, previous treatments has been tested. Test took place with 4 factoriel repetitions and by compeletly random design, then data got analyzed with Dankan ANOVA tests in 15.0 and EXCEL. The results showed that steel slag increased the surface coarseness and therefor can control the erosion. Increasing area cover, size and graining of mulch, decline the soil loss. However there wasn’t a singificant differnece between the numbers of applicated layers. It’s citable that simultaneous increase in area percentage, size and diameter of slag decline the soil loss as well. According to the results, slag mulch can be used for erodible sediments control with 75% density, 30-45 mm graining and in one layer. The results of the effect of steel slag in sediment trapping indicated that with increasing wind velocity, trapped and accumulated sediment particles by slag increases. Covered area and size of slag have different effects on accumulation of sediment load qua sediment accumulation increased exponentially with increasing cover of slag mulch but decreased exponentially by its diameter. KeyWords: Wind erosion, Slag mulch, Harand, Accumulation of wind sediments, Wind tunnel.