Autecological studies, provide a considerable part of the basic information required to manage rangeland ecosystems. selection of appropriate species is important in autecological studies. Plant species characteristics highly depend on environmental condition including edaphic, physiographic and climatic parameters. Halimodendron halodendron is a plant species that grow in some part of Iran. There is also the habitat of this species in Ardaste and Moote of Isfahan province. This research has been conductedin this area to investing ateautecological information. Methodically Random-Systematic sampling by plot were used. The canopy cover, collar, height and density of all species in both the habitats were measured using 12 plotswith 25 m 2 size. Furthermore, a single soil samples in each plot from two different depths i.e. 0-20 and 20-40 cm were collected at the foot of the individuals. Soil samples were analyzed in laboratory and pH, EC, Clay, Silt, Sand, total Nitrogen and organic Carbon percentage, K, P, Mineral N,CaCo 3 , SP, gravel percentage of samples were tested. Altitude and slope of all plots were also recorded. Phenology of H.halodendron was qualitatively studied by recording the onset growing time of bud, leaf emergence, flowering, fruit forming, leaf shed and monthly imaging of plants’ parts.Statistical analysis such as paired T test, independent T test, simple correlation, regression and ordination were performed to evaluate interactionsof the plant with the environment. and CANOCO softwares were used to perform the analysis. According to the results, SP, Sand, Clay, Silt, Gravel, CaCo 3 , pH, OC and N significantly affect the presence of this species in both regions. The main limiting factor for this species isthe increase of lime in superficial and deep soil, high acidity, steep slope and amount of clay. The amount of mineral nitrogen, sand and soil saturation are the main acceleratingfactors in the growth of H. halodendron . The results of phenology showed that this plant has started its growth in late April. First blossom starts in June. Peak fruiting occurs in early August and at this time 90% of flowers are shed or converted to fruit. The leaves fall from late September started and the end of December, the plant is devoid of leaves. Keywords: Halimodendron halodendron , Autecology, Ordination, Phenology, Isfahan Province