Cooperation system is one of the most modern production systems in agriculture and natural resources sectors. Recent threats and challenges in natural resources management are main reasons for considering integration of cooperation in natural resources management. Furthermore, due to the vast area of rangelands the active participation of local people is necessary in conservation and renovation of rangelands. Experiences indicated that cooperation system as a popular system could help country rangeland trustees to conserve and renovate ranges. This study examined the performance of range management cooperatives in conservation and renovation of Jarghuyeh Olya and Sofla rangelands (the case study: peykan village) . the questionnaire was the significant tool for collecting the data. A panel of natural resources professors and agricultural of extension and education confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. For determining the reliability of the questionnaire Cronbach’s alpha was calculated for different parts of questionnaire. Results showed that performance of cooperatives can be evaluated as medium quality. Results also showed that respondents evaluated performance of range management cooperatives in Providing educational and promotional services and creaing a good cooperation and interaction spirit between people and rangers and their respective cooperative better and more proper than its other activities such as employment and prevent Imigration .Based on the findings of this research more activities of range management cooperatives is suggested to provide its members with banking facilities, supplying proper water and trough for livestock in rangelands and precipitation storage activities. Keywords: Performance, Range management cooperatives, Conserving and renovating, Successful