In this thesis we explor the synchronization of a group of phase oscillators in a small world and randomnetworks. To do this, we choose the natural frequency distribution of the oscillators in the form ofthe Lorentz distribution function such that its width is ? and its average is zero. Network dynamicsfollow the Kuramoto model. By this assumption, we show that initial partial synchronization with? = 0 in the small world network, when the Lorentz distribution function width is increased, reachesan optimal value as the system becomes more synchronized and then synchronization decreases. Inthis case, the topological defects, which are partially synchronized with the Kuramoto model in thesmall world network, are eliminated. We also show that variations in the natural frequency of theoscillators contribute to greater synchronization in the small-world network, which is different fromwhat happens in the random network.In the next section of this thesis we introduce another type of oscillator coupling to the network.There are two oscillator groups in the network, one group having a positive coupling and one attempting to be in phase, the other group trying to get into the opposite phase (?). This will have twokinds of interaction. The first is that each oscillator is affected by the oscillator coupled to it, whichproduces the inhibitory and excitatory oscillators, and the other is that each oscillator affects theoscillator with which it is coupled and produces conformist and contrarian oscillators. We investigatethe synchrony using the fourth-order Run-Kutta method in the Kuramoto model in a small worldand random network. We investigate the effect of the Lorentz distribution function and the ratio ofthe number of inhibitory to excitatory oscillators as well as the number of contrarian to conformistoscillators on synchrony.