Formation of white rust on galvanizedsteel sheets is a common complication that occurs as a result of storageconditions ie, high humidity and lack of air circulation. White rust has anadverse effect on chromatic coatings and surface finish of the sheets. Becauseof its porous structure, white rust is prone to absorb chloride and H2O as aresult of * reactions or * mechanisms which leads to the formation ofreservoirs that maintain moisture and * anions such as chloride. Failure toremove white rust, increases zinc layer consumption and decreases corrosionresistance. In this research, white rust caused by extended storage inwarehouse is studied and possibility of applying a chromatic coating to restorethe properties of the galvanized sheets is investigated. For this purpose,laboratory specimens is obtained from rusted galvanized steel sheets and * Analysisof the results show that under prolonged storage of sheets, coatings are damagedand the corrosion resistance is reduced which shortens the effective life ofsheets. Various solutions for derusting is investigated and the optimumconditions, namely solution type, concentration and process duration have beenobtained. * instead of * chromatic coatings is used because of environmentalconsiderations. Restorative chromatic coatings is applied on specimens toimprove surface quality and prevent white rust formation. Subsequently optimumchromate deposition parameters such as immersion time and drying temperature isobtained. In the end, repaired sheets are subjected to standard salt spraytests. In conclusion, analysis of the results show that the restorativechromatic coating has a higher corrosion resistance than the rusted sheets and itsproperties are close to a brand new sheet. KeyWords: white rust, damaged galvanized sheet, chromate coating 3-capacity,corrosion resistance, restoratio