Establishing new off-street public parking facilities need to spend a lot of money so determining best sites for them that will satisfy all citizens are necessary. Due to increasing in population and unbalanced urban growth and on the other hand increasing in the amounts of cars, in order to decrease traffic congestion, it’s necessary that parking facilities are established. Establishing these facilities will increase the effective width of streets and traffic will be reduced. In this thesis an urban traortation network including several demand points, siting candidate points and several origins of traffic flow are considered. Four general goals for parking location problem are assumed: reducing traffic congestion, maximal covering, minimum distances walked between demand point and new parking facilities and decreasing different costs. In order to reducing traffic congestion and based on flow capturing model, two approaches were developed based on those approaches and other goals two model were proposed. In these models, parking facilities covering distance were assumed uncertain, also origins of traffic flow, path drivers and different type of parking were considered. Finally, the proposal models were implemented on part of central district of Isfahan, after estimate the parking demand based on 2016 for traffic zones 1 to 12 of Isfahan and by reducing the supply of car parking in those zones, the shortage of parking spaces for each zone and various hour was determined. By identifying the most critical traffic zones, only the necessary data of two zones were gathered. Then in order to solve the proposed multi-objectives models, the -constarintmethod was used. By applying proposal models for various numbers of new parking facilities the locations of parking facilities, type of parking, parking demands served of each demand point and amount flow capturing by each of new parking facilities were determined. The answers to these problems were showed the best candidate points for establishing public parking facilities.It should be noted that the obtained result were justified and satisfactory.