Citrus are amongst highly nutrient responsive perennial crops. Sub-optimum production due to nutrient de?ciencies is well recognized in citrus orchards. Amongst essential nutrients, zinc (Zn), after nitrogen (N), is undoubtedly the most widely reported de?cient nutrient in citrus orchards world-wide. The management strategy of Zn de?ciency today is still governed by the ef?cacy of two conventionally used methods of Zn supply to plants via soil or foliar fertilization. Foliar fertilization ef?ciently meets the nutrient demand of tree fruit crops during periods when 1- soil conditions such as low or high temperatures, low or excess soil moisture, pH and salinity, render soil-applied fertilizers ineffective, 2- when nutrients become ?xed in the soil, and 3- when tree nutrient demand is high. Applying nutrients directly to foliage ensures that the metabolic machinery of the tree is not compromised by low availability of an essential nutrient. In this study, the effects of different pre-harvest Zn treatments on fruit quality at harvest and it?s interrelation with other nutrients in lemon ( Citrus limon , ‘Lisbon’) were investigated. Zn sprays were applied three-times beginning at the end part of fruit gowth with 2 applications during fruit ripening period (14 days internals). Parameters related to fruit quality and antioxidant attributes were evaluated 30 days after last ZnSO 4 spraying at 0.5 or 1 g/L. The results showed that Zn application improved fruit quality at harvest, including an increase in fruit weight, size, soluble solids, titrable acidity, and reduction of peel to pulp ratio. Increases in Zn concentrations in fruit and leaf tissues of treated trees coincided with increases in potassium (K), iron (Fe), and Nitrogen (N) concentrations compared with untreated control trees. Among antioxidants, phenolic acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, glutathione were reduced, but ascorbic acid significantly was increased, when exposes to Zn fertilization at 1 g/L, in line with the increase in antioxidant enzymes potent activity and antioxidant capacity. Therefore, fertilization with Zn at 1 g/L to be taken as a criterion to improve the content of biologically active compounds and antioxidant properties, and consequently, to enhance the nutritional value and the functionality of lemon fruit. Keywords : Antioxidant compounds, quantitative and qualitative properties, Zinc sulfate, foliar spraying