Theneedforpetrophysicalclassificationofreservoirrocksiscrucialforestimatingtherecoverablehydrocarbonreserves. Thepurposeofthisresearchistoclassifyreservoirrocksoftheregion, inwhichtheclassificationhas not been done accurately, which is very important for estimating storage and increasing harvest, as well asuse in drilling. This category is important in the oil industry.In this study, after geological studies of the study area and analysis of cores we used NCRQI, FZI andWINLAND methods used to obtain a specific claddification and zoning for the formations of the region andthen with the help of well logs and using multimine geolog module of lithology of the formation was observedand we named the rocks with the help of microscopic thin sections and type of porosity . we also obtained thesedimentary environment of the rocks.Inwellnumber6basedonFZI,Dashtakformationwasidentifiedastworocktypeandupperdallanformationwas also divided into four rocktypes, based on the flow zone, Dashtak formation was classified into four zonesbased on depth order and the upper dallan formation was divided into 5 zones.In the well No.8 in FZI method in Dashtak formation of rocks into two rocktypes and the upper dallan wasclassified into four rocktypes and based on the flow zone method the Dashtak formation was divided into twozones and the upper dallan into four flow zones based on depth. By interpreting well logs of the formationin two wells four types of lime stone, dolomite, anhydrite and shale were identified lithologically that that thepresence of anhydrite and dolomite was higher than the others.Drawing NCRQI diagrams show in depth order that dolomitic rocks are high flow capacity zones. This initself shows this zoning with this method has been a suitable and correct method for this reservoir.