A ring R i said to be clean ring if every element of R can be written as the sum of a unit and an idempotent. Clean rings were first introduced in a paper by Nicholson in 1977 as a A ring R i said to be nil clean ring if every element of R can be written as the sum of a nilpotent and an idempotent. This introduced by Diesel in 2006. In the past ten years, there have been many investigations concerning variants of the clean and strongly clean properties. Additionally, several authors have studied versions of such properties in the case of non-unital rings. We define the concept of a weakly nil clean commutative ring which generalizes Diesel’ notion of a nil clean commutative ring, and investigate this A ring R is said weakly nil clean ring if every element of R can be written as the sum of or difference a nilpotent and an idempotent