The study of the behavior of polymer chains with nanoscale reinforcement in the last decade has attracted the attention of researchers in the field of chemistry and physics due to the significant effect they have on the final macroscopic properties of the resulting nanocomposites.The use of methods based on computational chemistry in this field, has special advantages. One of these methods is the molecular dynamics method, which has facilitated the possibility of studying the interactions and behavior of molecules using different software. With the help of high-speed supercomputers in this research, the behavior of a single Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) chain in the confined space between two parallel sheets of functionalized graphene has been studied using molecular dynamics simulation method and Gromacs software. The behavior of a poly(trimethethylene terephthalate) chain with 10 monomer units in the presence of functionalized 3% graphene with dimensions of 20×20 nm at three temperatures of 300, 350 and 400 K in ten nanoseconds was investigated. Another variable component is the distance between functionalized graphene nanosheets, which was determined based on the gyration radius of the polymer in free space, which is equal to 3.44 nm. At each temperature, 4 systems with plate spacing of 3.44, 6.88, 10.32 and 13.76 nm were examined. In total, after examining 12 systems, it was found that the equilibrium formulation of the adsorbed chain is spatially folded in two dimensions, which depends on the distribution geometry of the agents on the surface of the nano filler. It was observed that as long as the characteristic dimension of the limiting geometry is less than three times of the gyration radius of the polymer chain in the open space, it can affect the formation and dynamics of the chain and more than that, at 300 Kelvin, the polymer does not feel the limiting space. The mobility of polymer chain atoms decreases as long as they sense the limiting geometry, and with increasing temperature due to a 5% increase in the energy of the chain atoms, the mobility has increased, but it is still less than the unrestricted polymer dynamics. Regarding the gyration radius of the chain, it can be seen that it increases with decreasing the distance of functional graphene sheets, but due to the interaction of the polymer chain with the agents on graphene and the location of the agents, gyration radius of the polymer is limited to about one third of the gyration radius of the polymer, which does not feel the limited space.