The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lep.: Noctuidae ) is one of the polyphagous pests destroying crops such as sweet pepper Capsicum anuum (Solanales : Solanaceae) worldwide. In the present study, four sweet pepper cultivars including (301, Bonanza, Rahin and California) were assessed In terms of demographic parameters and nutritional indices of Spodoptera exigua. The experiments were performed under laboratory conditions at 25± 1 0 c, 60±5? RH and a photoperiod of 16: 8 (L: D) h. There was no difference between intrinsic rate of increase ( r ) and finit rate of increase ( ? ) of tested varieties. The highest and lowest net reproductive rate ( R 0 ) (128.94±0.18 eggs) and (56.66±0.87 eggs) were recorded on Rahin and California, respectively. The lowest gross reproductive rate (GRR) (74.58±0.05) was related to Rahin. Bonanza caused the longest larval (11.61±0.1) and pupal (6.09±0.08) periods. The females reared on Rahin and Bonanza showed shortest (22.15±0.03 days) and longest (24.21±0.09 days) pre-oviposition period, respectively. The longest oviposition period and highest fecundity were recorded on 301 and California, respectively. The shortest ovipossition and lowest fecundity were on Rahin. Regarding the low fertility and short female adult longevity of this pest on Rahin, this varieties was an inappropriate cultivar in contrast to California varieties due to high fecundity and long female adult longevity. The highest and lowest values of different larval instars, efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) were recorded on California and lowest ones were on Rahin, respectively. Fourth, fifth and whole larval instars were reared on 301, showed the highest approximate digestibility (AD) and those reared on Rahin had the lowest one. The heaviest prepupa (32.12±0.38 mg) and pupa (26.12±0.80 mg) were related to California. This study suggested that California can be considered as a suitable and Rahin as an inappropriate varieties. Key word : Noctuidae , intrinsic rate of increase, varieties, life table- fertility