Progress in integrated circuits and evolution of technology has made the process of design and fabrication of digital circuits tend to decrease the chip area and power consumption and also to increase efficiency, speed and accuracy. Because of some special advantages of digital circuits such as lower sensitivity to process variation, simplicity of design process and smaller physical size, in many electronic systems it is possible that some analog parts are replaced with theirdigital counterparts. In this case, since signals in the real world areanalog,some special analog interface circuits such as analog to digital converters (ADC) and digital-to-analog (DAC) are neededto make possible communication between digital circuits and the outside world. Unlike digital circuits, analog circuits suffer from some issues such as low supply voltage and short channel effects in new technologies.Using calibration methods in data converters, we can move the complexity from analog side to digital section in order to mitigate the analog design constraints and challenges. Data convertersusuallyare affected byseveral nonidealities effects like componentsmismatches, limited output impedance, noise, and etc. These effectslead todistortion and noise in the output signal. The produced errors depending on the signal properties can be divided into two static and dynamic groups. The static errors are independent of the applied input signal whereas the latterdepends on the input signal properties. Since the nature of the input signal isgenerally random, the modeling of thedynamic behavior of a converter is a hard task. On the other side, the static behavior of the converter has a deterministic characteristic with predictable errors and thus the corresponding errors can be modeled and compensated by using appropriate calibration methods. In this work a new digital calibration technique is proposed. The procedures of error estimation and compensation are done independent of the DAC architecture so that the converter is treated as a black box during the calibration process. In this method the DAC structure is not subjected to any changes due to the calibration process and it can be extended to different DAC architectures. Both error estimation and error trimming are performed in a fully digital manner.The analog circuitrelated to the calibration circuitry consists of a comparator and a test signal generator. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, a behavioral model of a two-step flash analog to digital converter is implemented in which the proposed calibration technique is employed to increase the resolution of the DAC section to the required level. Keywords: Calibration, Digital to Analog Converter, Two-step Analog to Digital Converter