Traort plays an important role in each economy. Urban transit, as an important part of the transit system, provides services for the movement of goods and passengers between various origins and destinations in the urban area. Public traort is an integral component of urban transit system and its importance for people who do not have personal vehicles is more than others. Since a high percentage of population living in urban areas, appropriately designed public traortation network can lead to more satisfaction, reduce costs and increase the quality of life in cities. Decision-making in the field of urban transit network design includes three levels of strategic, tactical and operational. In most medium and large cities, it is tried to make optimal use of park and ride facilities along with public transit. In this study, it is aimed to develop a two phased approach for designing bus based park and ride system. In the first phase, park and ride facilities are located in the periphery of Central Business District (CBD) area. Then, urban bus routes are designed from park and ride facilities, as origin, to the CBD area, as destination. Urban bus routing model is developed based on key factors such as "the maximum use of existing routes" and "threshold deviation from the straight line". Also, three scenarios are presented that allow designers to consider their priorities in designing bus based park and ride system. By using the two phased approach, it is possible to locate park and ride facilities and route urban busses. In addition, balanced location of park and ride facilities, analysis of park and ride capacities and analysis of fixed investment to achieve the desired level of demand coverage are some of another benefits of the developed approach. Test problems show that the hybrid metaheuristic algorithm can solve large problems in less time than exact methods and get high quality answers. Finally, the developed approach was used to design bus based park and ride system in Isfahan.