Nerve growth factor (NGF) Is known to be a member of neurotropin family. Neurotropins are a group of growth factors which were initially distinguished as essential factors for the differentiation and growth of nerve cells and later neurotropins showed their characteristics in nonneuronal cells and reproductive system. Neurotropins, including nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotropin factor (BDNF) and NT3 and NT4. NGF is synthesized and released from the theca cells and granulosa cells under influence of gonadotropin and add to follicular fluid it may be involved in facilitating the development of ovarian follicles. Expression of NGF mRNA in the ovary increases on the day of proestrus and reaches a peak about 5 hours befor ovulation. The present research had been designed to investigate the affect of NGF on oocyte maturation and next stages of embryo development wich are the stage after fertilization and blastocyst stage. Bovine cumulus oocyte complexes were taken from ovary wich was obtained from slaughter house. Bovine cumulus oocyte complexes were cultured in control group and treatments of 1, 2 and 3 for 24h. The control group with out NGF and experimental groups cantained 1, 10 and 100 nano geram NGF per mili litr respectively. oocytes were placed inside the fertilization medium for 24h and Then transfer to embryo culture medium. Used co-culture medium for embryo culture medium and embryos were culture with oviduct epithelial motile cells. These cells were obtained from oviduct cows and then were sepreated from motile cells after 24h culturing and transferred to embryo culture. Cleaved rate was calculate 48h after fertilization and assumed blastocyst rate on 7th after fertilization.NGF additive during in vitro maturation (IVM) did not affect on nuclear maturation of oocytes. The significant difference did not observe between treatments and treatments with control group. The significant difference did not observe between treatments and treatments with control group in cleave rate but the significant difference was observed in number of obtained blastocysts between treatment 2 and 3 with treatment 1 and with control group, too. Treatment 2 and 3 had not significant difference and treatment 1 with control group too. These result indicated that the presence of Nerve growth factor during in vitro maturation of bovine cumulus oocyte complexes can enhance their developmental competence to the blastocyst stage after in vitro fertilization and suggested that the enhancing effects might be mainly mediated by promoting oocyte cytoplasmic competence to support embryonic development. Consequently we can increased the cytoplasmic maturation by adding 10 and 100 nano geram NGF to bovine oocyte maturation medium.