At the present time, many investigations have been carried out on the HTSC single crystals and due to the vast varieties of potential applications , thin film of these materials are practically useful and hence have been studied by several researches. But there has always been an important attempt for the researchers, particularly for the experimentalist, to somehow reduce the ac losses in the material. One way could be twisting the sample. Here we would like to check, if we can reduce the ac losses in a thin type ? superconductors (HTSC) . Bases on the domain of validity of the critical state model (CSM). We have shown in this theses that by passing a traort current in a certain direction through a thin HTSC, it is possible to reduce the ac losses in these HTSC configuration . We have also compared the result of our numerical calculations (by solving a couple of self – consistent equations) done on a current carrying thin HTSC tape being in a perpendicular external magnetic field with the result from the case that the sample carries no traort current . The comparison clearly shows the ac losses reduction.