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MohammadReza Toroghinejad
محمدرضا طرقي نژاد (استاد راهنما)
Mahmood Samadzadeh
محمود صمدزاده


دانشکده مهندسی مواد
Master of Science (MSc)
As a novel experience, aluminum-matrix composites reinforced with 0.4 wt. % multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were successfully fabricated using the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process. In order to fabricate Al-MWCNT composites by ARB processes, it was essential to investigate the effect of various parameters on the bond strength of aluminum strips. The effects of MWCNTs dispersion, thickness reduction, quantity of MWCNTs at the interface, and rolling temperature on the bond strength of the commercial pure aluminum sheets in the peeling test were studied and Optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also used to evaluate the surface conditions of the peeled surfaces. Then Al-MWCNT composites in the three quantities of MWCNTs (0.1, 0.4 and 0.7 wt.% ) were fabricated. In order to achieve optimum MWCNT concentration, mechanical properties and the microstructure of composites in different MWCNT concentrations were compared with each other. For the ARB technique, the optimum CNT content achieved in the composite structure was 0.4 wt.%. The microstructure and the fracture surface of the composites were studied during various ARB cycles by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM). Their mechanical properties were also measured by tensile and Vickers hardness tests. The dislocation density and grain size changes during deformation were calculated using a recently developed JAVA based software, Materials Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD), which was based on Rietveld’s whole X-ray pattern ?tting methodology. The results indicated that compared to the spread method, using the solution dispersion (SD) method to disperse MWCNTs reduced aluminum strips' bond strength. Therefore, spread dispersion method was used for investigating the effects of other parameters on the bond strength of aluminum strips. It was found that after 8 cycles of ARB process, Al-0.1 wt.% MWCNTs composites had non uniform dispersion . On the other hand, composites with 0.4 and 0.7 wt.% MWCNTs showed a better distribution after 8cycle. Also, the investigation of 8 cycle ARBed composites in three wt.% of reinforcement indicated that Al-0.4 wt.% had higher tensile strength in comparison with other composites. So, it can be deduced from this study that Al-0.4 wt.% MWCNTs composites are the optimum composites. The Al-0.4 wt.% MWCNT composite microstructures showed excellent MWCNTs distribution in the aluminum matrix on a micrometer scale after 12 ARB cycles. It can be concluded that that increasing the number of ARB cycles to 11 improved the elongation and the tensile strength of the composites. However, these same properties were declined at the final 12 th cycle due to the development of micro-cracks in the composite strip. SEM fractographs of fracture surfaces revealed that the fracture mode of the composite was changed to the brittle type in the final cycles, while that of monolithic aluminum was ductile. The crystallites size, as measured by MAUD software for Al-MWCNTs composite produced by 12 cycles of ARB process, reached to 91 nm. Keywords: carbon nanotubes, aluminum matrix composites, accumulative roll bonding, microstructure investigation, mechanical properties, fracture surface
کيده نانولوله هاي کربني چندجداره (MWCNTs) به علت خواص فوق العاده مکانيکي اي که دارند توجهات بسياري را در استفاده به عنوان ماده تقويت کننده در کامپوزيت هاي زمينه آلومينيومي به خود جذب نموده اند. در اين پژوهش به ساخت کامپوزيت هاي Al-MWCNT به روش نورد تجمعي پيوندي (ARB) پرداخته شده است. يکي از مهم ترين پارامترها در ساخت کامپوزيت هاي Al-MWCNT چسبندگي بين لايه هاي آلومينومي و تاثير پارامترهاي مختلف بر آن است. در مرحله اول پژوهش حاضر، به بررسي تاثير نحوه توزيع نانولوله ها، کاهش ضخامت، مقدار نانولوله و دماي نورد بر چسبندگي بين لايه هاي آلومينيومي توسط آزمون لايه کني پرداخته شد و سطح لايه هاي باز شده نيز توسط ميکروسکوپ الکتروني روبشي و ميکروسکوپ نوري مورد بررسي قرار گرفت. سپس کامپوزيت هاي Al-MWCNT در سه درصد وزني مختلف (7/0، 4/0 و 1/0) ذرات تقويت کننده توسط فرايند ARB ساخته شد. به منظور يافتن درصد وزني بهينه ذرات تقويت کننده، تصاوير ريز ساختاري و خواص مکانيکي سيکل پاياني هر کدام از کامپوزيت ها با يکديگر مقايسه شد. پس از يافتن درصد وزني بهينه براي ساخت کامپوزيت هاي Al-MWCNT، اين کامپوزيت ها توسط فرايند ARB و با ميزان wt.% 4/0 نانولوله ساخته شدند. به منظور بررسي تغييرات ريز ساختاري و نحوه توزيع ذرات در طول سيکل هاي مختلف فرايند ARB و تعيين نوع مکانيزم شکست نمونه ها پس از آزمون کشش از ميکروسکوپ نوري و ميکروسکوپ الکتروني روبشي استفاده شد. خواص مکانيکي کامپوزيت ها توسط آزمون سختي سنجي و کشش تک محوري مورد ارزيابي قرار گرفت. از ميکروسکوپ الکتروني روبشي استفاده شد. همچنين پارامترهاي ريز ساختاري اين کامپوزيت ها طي سيکل هاي مختلف نورد با استفاده از نرم افزار MAUD محاسبه گرديد. نتايج نشان داد که با افزايش ميزان نانولوله چسبندگي بين لايه هاي آلومينومي کاهش پيدا کرده است، همچنين با توزيع ذرات تقويت کننده به روش توزيع پاششي استحکام پيوند نسبت به روش توزيع محلولي بهبود مي يابد. بنابراين از شيوه توزيع پاششي به منظور ساخت ARB

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