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Farid Bahrami boudlalu,Mohammadreza Koushesh khajoei
فرید بهرامی بودلالو (استاد مشاور) محمدرضا کوشش خواجوئی (استاد راهنما)
Fatemeh Hosein zadeh
فاطمه حسین زاده فلاخ


دانشکده ریاضی
Master of Science (MSc)


Function lattices and compactifications
Throughout the thesis, let X be any non-empty set. We denote by F(X) the algebra of all real-valued mappings on X. We denote by (X) the subalgebra of F(X) consisting of all bounded elements of F(X). For all f,g ? F(X), the mappings (f ?g) : X ? R and (f ?g) : X ? R are defined by )f ? g)(x) = max{f(x),g(x)} and (f ? g)(x) = min{f(x),g(x)} for ever x ? X, respectively. By a function lattice on X we mean a vector suace F of F(X( such that F contians the constant mappings and f ?g ? F and f ?g ? F for all f,g ? F. A filter on X is a non-empty family ? of subsets of X with the following properies: .1 If A,B ? ?, then A ? B ? ? .2 If A ? ? and A ? B ? X, then B ? ?. 3. ? ?. A F-family on X is a non-empty family A of non-empty subsets of X sush that,for every A ? A with A X, there exist some B ? A and a function f ? F such that f(B) = {0} and f(X\\A) ={1} . An F-filter on X is a filter ? on X which is also an F-family on X. Suppose that F is a lattice consisting of real-valued mappings on a non-empty setX which contains the Costant mappings. We use certain filters on X determined by F, to construct a compact Hausdorff space X such that bounded elements of F extendable continuously over ?X . These extended mappings form a dense suace of C(?X). It is remarkable that we not need the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem to prove the density of these extensions. For a large part of the theory developed in this thesis, it is the lattice structure of real-valued mappings that is important for our development. Therefore, we work with a lattice of real-valued mappings(which might contain unbounded mappings). The organization of thesis is as follows: In chapter1, after recalling some back ground and notations and definitions, we discuss some basic properties of F-filters that we shall need in establishing our main results. In chapter 2, we introduce the main object of thesis, namely F-filters and F-ultrafilters, and we study some their basic properties. We define a topology on the set of all F-ultrafilters and we show that the resulting space ?X is a compact Hausdorff space. Furthermore, we show that the F-filters describe the topology of ?X. In chapter 3, we assume that F is a mappings lattice on X. We study continuous mappings on ?X. We show that every bounded elements of F extends to ?X and that these extenstions form a dense suace of the algebra of all continuous, real-valued mappings on ?X. It is remarkable that we not need the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem to prove the density of these extensions. Our main results concern closed subalgebras of the algebra of all bounded real-valued mappings on ?X. In chapter 4, we study some relationships between function lattices. We establish a correspondence between F-filters and closed, proper ideals of F. Roughly speaking, we show how the ideals of F can be used to generate F-filters on ?X. We apply the following convention for the rest of this thesis: By an ideal of F, we always mean a closed, proper ideal of F. In the previous chapter, we made no assumption about algebraic or topological structure on the set X. In chapter 5, we study a treatment of F-filters on a Hausdorff topological space X in the case that every member of F is a continuous mappings of X.
فرض می‌کنیم F یک شبکه حقیقی مقدار روی یک مجموعه غیرتهی X باشد به طوری که F شامل توابع ثابت است. با استفاده از فراپالایه‌های معین روی X که با F نشان می‌دهیم، یک فضای توپولوژیک هاسدورف و فشرده X? همراه با این ویژگی که هر عضو کراندار F قابل توسیع به X? است، می‌سازیم و نشان می‌دهیم مجموعه‌ی همه‌ی این توسیع‌ها زیرفضای چگالی از C(?X) است. همچنین تناظری بین F-پالایه‌ها و ایده‌آل‌های سره و بسته ایجاد می‌کنیم و نشان می‌دهیم که هر F-پالایه توسط ایده آلی از F تولید می‌گردد.

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