Wind erosion seriously threatens soil and water resources and is a global environmental problem. Considering the high costs of wind erosion control and the difficulty of working conditions, the choice of technical methods to stabilize areas prone to erosion will also be effective in reducing costs. In the present study, the effect of bentonite clay, polyvinyl acetate and palm biochar on reducing wind erosion in wind sand who investigated as a factorial design in a randomized complete block design. Bentonite, polyvinyl acetate and Palm biochar treatments were prepared by mixing 20, 7 and 20 grams these treatments in 1 liter of water, respectively. Each of the treatments was sprayed on three trays filled with wind sands, which formed a total surface of one square meter. The trays were examined under wind tunnel after 1 week, 10 weeks and 20 weeks of preparation. The results showed that application of selected treatments caused a significant decrease in wind erosion at different times and an increase the threshold speed compared to the control. Among the selected treatments, the effect of bentonite clay treatment on reducing wind erosion and improving the threshold of erosion was more than other treatments. In this study, the effect of soil coverings on vegetative speed parameters of haloxylon was investigated dirt-streams. Palm biochar had the most impact on the vegetative properties of the herb and increased the fresh and dry weight of the root, stem and height of the shoots in comparison with the other two mulches. Keywords : Wind erosion, Wind tunnel, Mulch , Haloxylon, Polyvinyl acetate, Bentonite, Biochar.