Silicon carbide is a semiconductor with large bandgap. This material, due to their extraordinary electronic and mechanical properties, have much application in electronic and optic technologies. One of the themes is prejudicing single photons. Single photons are used in quantum technologies like quantum computers, communication and sensing. One of the ways to favour single photons is to make defects or stir the arrangement in some points of the semiconductor or insulator crystals. Because of them, some electronic states are created in the bandgap area. Due to the electronic transitions in these states, single photons are absorbed. In this research best defects in the 2D structure of SiC to emit the single photons, are investigated. We use the density functional theory to research. Probing of the states in bandgap and their localization around the defects by Ab-Initio and HSE-functionalare researched. Constraint-DFT is used to search the excited states and their transitions energy. The point defects like VSi, VSiCSi and VCCSi, are investigated in this thesis. These defects are studied in zero and minus one, charge states. The quality factors are DW factor, HR factor and ?Q. Furthermore, we calculated the photoluminescence and hyperfine spectrum for matching our results with experimental analyses.