Coating of fibers, yarns and textiles with metals has become an important issue in textile industry. These fabrics are used in conductive textiles, smart textiles, water collection from fog and many other fields. In this study polypropylene fabrics were coated using electroless, printing and thermal spray methods. Electroless coating was performed by two different weight percentages of metal and alsofabrics were printed using three different amount of metal. SEM and optical microscopic images were obtained from the surface and cross section of the fabrics. In addition, EDXanalysis, Mechanical properties measurements including tensile strength and tear resistance, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, washing fastness, wettability, air permeability and the amount of water collected from foggy air were performed. EDX analysis revealed existence of 41%w/w of Cu on the printed sample surface. For all of the samples, coated ones had lower tensile strength than that of untreated fabrics. In the samples coated with more amount of the metal, tensile strength reduction was lower. The results of the tearing test showed that for the sample which was printed with 12 g/kg Cu in the printing paste, the maximum force was 153N. Also for the sample which was printed with 30 gr/kg Cu in the printing paste, the maximum force was 116/75N. Therefore 24% reduction in tearing resistance was observed. Thermal conductivity of the elecroless coated sample was higher than that of all other samples. Thermal conductivity coefficient of the elecroless coated sample was six-fold higher than that of the untreated sample. Electrical conductivity of the electroless deposited sample increased 10 7 times in comparison with the untreated sample. Surface wettability was reduced for all of the coated samples.Washing fastness of the electroless coated sample was higher than that of the fabrics coated with the other methods. Reduction in air permeability of the electroless coated sample was lower than that of fabrics coated using the other methods. For the Electroless coated sample the amount of collected water from fog was six-fold higher than that of untreated sample. Key words : coating, electroless, printing, thermal spray, Scanning electron microscope, water collection from fog.