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Seyed-Abdolkarim Hoseini,Mohammad Ghane
سیدعبدالکریم حسینی (استاد مشاور) محمد قانع (استاد راهنما)
Vahid Zare zade lari
وحید زارع زاده لاری


دانشکده مهندسی نساجی
Master of Science (MSc)


Modeling and Investigation on the Effective Parameters in Bending of Weft Yarn in a Plain Weave Fabric
Understanding the bending behavior of textile fabrics is an important topic in scientific textile researches and industrial applications. Under the external force, the deformation behavior of fiber bundles that form yarns or fabric is a function of mechanical properties, geometry and interaction of their components which generally involves tensile, bending and torsion deformations. So, fabric mechanical properties such as flexural and shear stiffness can be investigated to study fabric behavior and properties such as drape and formation capabilities, handle, buckling and tear strength behavior. Fabric bending depends on different factors such as geometry of fabric, yarn bending stiffness, yarn density and yarn deflection in the fabric. Analysis of yarn bending behavior is based on the relationship between yarn flexural stiffness and both of fiber properties and yarn structural parameters. Analysis of fabric and yarn bending was started by the Bernoulli – Euler law that describes pure bending in beams theories. A variety of testing methods exists to define woven fabrics bending rigidity, which can be divided into two groups. In the first group specified deformation is applied after which loading force, moments or energy producing bending deformation is measured. Meantime the second group is based on specimen’s deformation measurement under its own weight. Accordingly, several studies have been done with theoretical models to analyze and measure the protrusion of yarn in fabric. The one and two fixed end beam models for bending of yarns in fabrics are the most common and easiest methods for determination of flexural modulus and bending rigidity of yarn and fabric. In this study fixed-fixed beam model was used to determine the weft yarn bending. Value of yarn deflection based on elastic theory for small deformation was then determined. The weft yarn considered as a beam supported at each end and fixed by two adjacent warp yarns so that deflected at the middle by a vertical load inserted by warp yarn. The amount of normal load and yarn deflection is important affecting the structure and mechanical properties of fabric. In this study, we studied the effect of variations of weft yarns density on the weft yarn deflection and normal force produced by warp yarns. Linear density of weft and warp yarns and warp density were set to be constant. The yarn cross-sections were assumed to be circular and pierces geometry was used for calculations of fabric parameters. The bending rigidity of fabrics in weft direction was measured using the Shirley stiffness tester. Flexural rigidity of fabric in the weft direction increased with increasing weft density. The flexural rigidity of weft yarn in fabric was then calculated using theoretical relations. The normal force was also calculated by using the pullout test. Finally, the actual weft yarn deflection was measured from pictures of the cross-section of fabric prepared by microscope. The results of actual deflection were compared and discussed with the theoretical values. The results of actual deflection showed acceptable agreement with the theoretical model of elastic bending theory in the case of small deformation. Furthermore, the actual weft yarn deflection was closer to the theoretical model in higher densities of weft yarn.
ر این پژوهش از مدل‌ تئوری تیر دوسرگیردار برای بررسی خمش نخ پود و تعیین میزان انحراف آن در پارچه بر اساس مدل تیر الاستیک در شرایط تغییر شکل‌های کوچک، استفاده شده است. دانسیته خطی نخ‌های تار و پود و همچنین تراکم نخ‌های تار ثابت و تأثیر تغییرات تراکم نخ پود در پارچه روی میزان خمش(خیز) و مقدار نیروی نرمال وارد شده از طرف نخ تار به نخ پود، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. مقطع نخ‌ها به صورت دایره‌ای فرض شد و از معادلات پیرس برای تعیین پارامترهای پارچه استفاده گردید. بدین ترتیب بر اساس روش خمش شرلی، سختی خمشی پارچه در راستای نخ‌های پود و سپس با به کارگیری رابطه بین سختی خمشی نخ و پارچه، سختی خمشی نخ پود در داخل پارچه اندازه‌گیری شد. مقدار نیروی نرمال نیز به وسیله آزمون Pullout نخ پود محاسبه گردید. نهایتاً میزان خیز نخ پود با روش برش مقطع عرضی و با استفاده از میکروسکوپ، به صورت جز به جز اندازه‌گیری شد و مدل واقعی خیز نخ پود با مدل تئوری مورد مقایسه و بحث قرار گرفت به گونه ای که با افزایس تراکم پودی، میزان خیز ماکزیمم افزایش می یابد.

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