Sand dunes are one of the wind erosion , s facies in sedimentary stage of this process which cover considerable extent of desert regions. Mobility is the most important characteristic sand dunes and an important indicators of desertification processes that causes serious threats to agricultural lands, residentials and roads. Therefore, determining the development and movement of sand dunes are important goals in wind erosion studies in sedimentary areas. Nowadays, remote sensing technology is used to detect changes in the featurs of earth , s surface which has improved the accuracy of change detection processes has provided better understanding of relationships and interactions between human and natural phenomena for an appropriate resource management. The aim of this study was to monitor changes in sand dunes in the region of Hassanabad-Jarghouyeh in Isfahan province during 32 years. The range of longitudes is 52 0 35 ' 54 " and 52 0 55 ' 57" east and latitudes is 31 0 58' 33" and 32 0 26' 59" north. In this study, in order to determine the morphology of sand dunes, the potential of IRS panchoromatic band was studied. Moreover the use of different satellite images was studied for land cover mapping in the area. In this study MSS, TM, ETM + and LISSIII satellite images of 1976, 1990, 1999 and 2008 were used, respectively. the morphology of sand dunes was determined using panchoromatic bands of ETM + and IRS_P 6 images and also 1:20000 aerial photos. In the preprocessing step, all of the satellite images and aerial photos were georefrenced and all the RMSE of the images was less of one pixel. Then, the morphology of the sand dunes in the mosaic of air photo and panchoramatic bands of ETM + and IRS_P 6 was determined in vector format. In this study, five facies of sand dunes were detected including transvers dunes, star dunes, silk, seif and Akle and then the areas of the facies was calculated and compared. The results showed that the area of the facies of aerial photos was similar to IRS_P 6 satellite image. Hence, the IRS image can be used as a suitable replacement for aerial photo in extensive and outback areas . land cover mapping of the study area was done using different image analysis techniques. Vegetation cover of the area was mapped using NDVI index the DEM map was used to extract Kouh Siyah mountain.