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Mehdi Iranpoor
مهدی ایران پور مبارکه (استاد راهنما)
Najmeh Fateh
نجمه فاتح


دانشکده مهندسی صنایع
Master of Science (MSc)
Scheduling for efficient use of resources such as machines, jobs and materials is inevitable in the production environment. Nowadays, manufacturing companies face stiff competition for providing timely responses to rapid changes in non-commercial markets by producing and delivering products in the shortest time and cost of production. Therefore, the development of research and the expansion of scheduling issues are necessary. In this thesis, we study a two-stage no-wait flexible flow shop-scheduling problem with batch processing, job rejection, and incompatible job families. Every two steps include batch-processing machines and at least one step includes multiple identical parallel machines. For each job, we consider a tardiness importance factor, job size, rejection cost and delivery date. The aim is to minimize total job weighted tardiness, the number of batches and rejection cost. In this study, in addition to the maximum capacity of the batches based on the size of the job, the minimum number of jobs is considered as a limitation to form the batches. Scheduling for efficient use of resources such as machines, jobs and materials is inevitable in the production environment. Nowadays, manufacturing companies face stiff competition for providing timely responses to rapid changes in non-commercial markets by producing and delivering products in the shortest time and cost of production. Therefore, the development of research and the expansion of scheduling issues are necessary. In this thesis, we study a two-stage no-wait flexible flow shop-scheduling problem with batch processing, job rejection, and incompatible job families. Every two steps include batch-processing machines and at least one step includes multiple identical parallel machines. For each job, we consider a tardiness importance factor, job size, rejection cost and delivery date. The aim is to minimize total job weighted tardiness, the number of batches and rejection cost. In this study, in addition to the maximum capacity of the batches based on the size of the job, the minimum number of jobs is considered as a limitation to form the batche
در جهان رقابتی امروز، زمان‌‌بندی موثر برای بقا در یک سیستم تجاری ضروری است. همچنین زمان‌‌بندی عاملی موثر برای استفاده بهینه‌‌ از منابع موجود و دادن اولویت به فعالیت‌‌هایی است که باید بر اساس یک توالی امکان‌‌پذیر انجام شوند [1] .

ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف بومی