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Seyed saeed Mortazavi,Mahmud Ashrafizadeh
سیدسعید مرتضوی راوری (استاد راهنما) محمود اشرفی زاده (استاد مشاور)
Mohammad Javad Aberuee
محمدجواد آبروی


دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک
Master of Science (MSc)


Numerical Simulation of the Motion of Drops on an Inclined Surface with Considering the Effect of Viscosity Ratio
The effect of viscosity ratio and Reynolds number on the behavior of a drop suspended on an inclined surface at high viscosity ratios is studied by numerical simulations at non-zero Reynolds number. The flow is driven by the acceleration due to gravity and there is no pressure gradient in the flow direction. The equilibrium position of a drop at high viscosity ratios is studied as a function of the Reynolds number, the Capillary number, the inclination angle, the density ratio and the viscosity ratio. It is found that when the viscosity ratio increases, the equilibrium position of drop moves away from the channel floor. A drop that is heavier than the ambient fluid reaches the steady state equilibrium position closer the channel free surface when the Reynolds number increases. Also the effect of viscosity ratio and Reynolds number and inclination angle on the behavior of 40 drops suspended on an inclined surface at high viscosity ratios is studied by numerical simulations at non-zero Reynolds number. The distribution and fluctuation energy of 40 drops is studied as a function of the Reynolds number, the Capillary number, the inclination angle, the viscosity ratio and the density ratio. Drops try to stay away from the channel floor in the simulations performed here. The maximum concentration appears at some distance away from the floor which depends on the effective parameters of the flow. It is found that by increasing the viscosity ratio, drops that are close to the floor or close to the free surface move to the center of channel and the equilibrium position moves away from the channel floor. By increasing the viscosity ratio the fluctuation energy of drops increases. The same trend is observed when the Reynolds number or the inclination angle with respect to horizontal direction increases. When the Reynolds number increases, drops that are close to the floor or close to the free surface move to the center of the channel. By increasing the Reynolds number drops move away from the channel floor and the fluctuation energy increases. Also when the inclination angle of the channel with respect to horizontal direction increases, drops that are close to the floor or close to the free surface move to the center of the channel. By increasing the inclination angle drops move away from the channel floor and the fluctuation energy increases. Simulations performed here by solving the Navier-Stokes equations are compatible with computational modeling of granular flows with low restitution coefficients. Keywords: Drops, Reynolds Number, Inclination angle, viscosity ratio, equilibrium position

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