The hydrodynamicforce that apply to marine instructors and ship hull will increases due togrowing the microorganism on them and that industries must pay a lot forsolving those issues. Till today the number of coatings has been created forthis issue by different researcher around the world, but non-scalability andbeing harmful for environment are some of the disadvantages of this coating. So,finding a scalable and environmental friendly antibiofouling coating is necessary.In this research firstly with using the non-fluorinated chemicals (Cinnamicacid and myristic acid), the surface of nano Sepiolite are modified and surfacemodification is investigated by different characterization such as ThermogravimetricAnalysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray DiffractionAnalysis (XRD) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) andoptimize parameter are found. Modifies sepiolite is dispersed inperflouromethacrylate solution (as a water-based copolymer) and differentsubstrate are dipped on it. Then wettability study is done for differentconditions. In addition, the stability of the coating is investigated indifferent harsh environments such as acidic, basic and hot. Finally, theantibiofouling properties of the superhydrophobic coating. The TGA resultsapproved that around 8 and 15 percent of cinnamic acid and myristic acid aregrafted on the sepiolite surfaces. The crystalline structure properties arereached from XRD results before and after surface modification. Themorphological studies are done for nano sepiolite and final superhydrophobicsurfaces and nano structure are shown on the surfaces. The contact anglestudies are shown that the contact angle for final surface is around 160 degreewhich has been approved the superhydrophobicity of the surface. By using the Energy-dispersiveX-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) the availability of F and C on the surface areapproved on the superhydrophobic surface and the ratio of C: O: F: Mg: Al: Si were11.5:33.54:9.38:9.98:20.49:15.06, moreover the elements map for C and F areprepared. In addition, the self-cleaning studies are shown that preparedsurfaces could cleaned the surfaces from contamination by rolling the waterdroplets. At the end the superhydrophobic surfaces are shown 87-94 %performance as the antibiofouling properties for both of gram positive’s andnegative’s bacteria’s.