In most of the economical, industrial, financial or political decision problems, the evaluation and selection of solutions is a typical multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem: determine which is the best among all possible efficient alternatives, according to the decision-maker (DM) preferences, taking into account several criteria. There are many techniques that have been developed to help decision-makers rank alternatives according to many criteria. Multicriterion decision-making (MCDM) methods are gaining importance because of their inherent ability to judge different alternative sce narios for the selection of the best alternative which may be further analysed in depth for its implementation.Nowadays supply chain and related issues has been studied by many managers and researchers. In this regard, performance measurement is also very important because of its role in controlling and conducting activities toward chain strategic aims. “Food supply chain” is one of the chains that should get special attention because of its complexity, importance and its role in human life. In our country, meal industry has special place. To measure the performances of each supply chain such as meal supply chain we must use true indexes related with that chain. For improving chain, in the first place, the indicators with most effectiveness in chain performance must be identified and then a program for improving these indicators is administered. In this thesis, for ranking meet SC performance indicators, MADM methods have been applied. The final ranking of indicators in enterprise level using compound techniques (mean, Borda, Copland) were done, then the differences among the results of MADM methods were studied. Finally, sensitivity analysis was done on differences and stability of the model was shown. Keywords: Supply chain, Meat, MADM, Compound techniques