Sugar is one type of nutrients with much of calorie which is needed for human beings. Sugar beet is one of the important resources for producing sugar. Growing of sugar beet as a strategic plant was be mentioned by who are responsible and obligate agriculture in Iran , while pests and plant disease exist in the farthest reaches of the country. Plant diseases are important factors which decrease yield of sugar beet and Curly top disease is common disease for this plant. Control of this disease with Using of efficient methods must be considered, because it has spreaded in much area in our century. Gene silencing and RNA silencing in plant are useful methods. With the purpose of making the inducing gene silencing constructs, 133 nucleotides were colonized from the end of rep gene of virus with two designed primers(Rep-gene-F and Rep-gene-R) in PCR reaction and into PGEM-T easy vector. The inducing gene silencing constructs(Z1,Z2, Z3 and Z4) were designed in plant. Then silencing constructs were transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101. Two commercial varieties of sugar beet(IC1 and 9597) were used for gene transformation using Norouzi method. Silencing constructs were transferred to sugar beet plants which had 2-4 leaves with injector. Results showed that the amount of symptoms of this disease were decreased by silencing constructs. Therefore, using of inducing gene silencing constructs can be mentioned as one of the best method for plant resistance to Curly top disease.