Quantum correlations are important tools to store, process and send information. When they are used in accelerated frames reduction in quantumness appears. In this thesis our goal is to explore systems which store more quantum information. Recently it has been shown that a helicity entangled bipartite state has preserved the degree of entanglement in accelerated frames. Investigating quantum discord has shown that acceleration has no effect on the degree of quantum correlations for bipartite and tripartite helicity entangled states. Geometric quantum discord as a Hilbert-Schmidt distance in non-inertial frames does not impress any influence, either. Extending to the beyond single mode approximation, acceleration does not have any impact on the quantum features. Then, cavity systems are utilized in non-inertial frames. When a two-cavity system is considered where one is inertial and the other accelerated in a finite time, the mean of quantum discord is degraded periodically. Periodic degradation of quantum discord also appears when the state is in a single accelerated cavity. Therefore less information is lost inside cavity systems in relativistic frames. Next quantum coherence, as another measure of quantum correlation, is explored from the sight of an accelerated observer. Bipartite quantum states in which system is prepared in are different in occupation and are very similar to the well known Bell states. Different degradation pattern of quantum coherence is another result observed. When the statistics of particle occupation changes, the degradation tone differs. Quantum Entanglement is also studied and different patterns of degradation have been presented. One interesting outcome of this thesis is that Negativity of the given bipartite bosonic states has explicitly shown exactly the same function while fermionic states are degraded differently.