Tourism industry is expanding in developing countries pretty fast in recent years. Tourism, supplies services and goods to tourists, generally creates employment and income to these who produce the services and goods. Employment creation and income are among the positive impacts of tourism. Tourism development in rural areas might bring socio-economic impacts on villages near to the tourism complex . The purpose of his research is mainly to explore some economic impacts of Alisadr-Cave Tourism Complex (ATC) that is located in Alisadr village (AV) in Hamedan provice, Iran . For this, some economic aspects of AV that could be affected by ATC were analyzied. These aspects were level of employment and income and size of agricultural units in AV. Along with analyzing employment situation, personal characteristics (age and level of education) were studied. Study area of this research included workers of ATC, who were mainly absorbed from AV, farmers of AV and three other villages adjacent to ATC. Data were collected by personal interview and by filling out questionniares from 100 workers of ATC and 180 farmers of the four adjacent villages of ATC. For analysis, one way analysis of variance and regression logistic model were used. The results showed that older age would decrease the chances of being recruited by ATC. Individuals with read and write ability with higher education are less probable to be recruited by ATC. Larger size of farm decreas the probablity of employment in ATC. Results of one-way analysis of varaince showed that ATC would changed the crop and livestock combination and would increased the size of farm in AV.