: Production planning, qualitycontrol and maintenance are the fundamental elements for any production system.Since the 1950s, research in these elements has attained the growing attentionof researchers. This interest was generated from increasing competition inmarkets. Many researchers believe that treating these models independentlywould result in a solution which has more cost in total. For example reductionof continuous sampling plan’s costs disregard to production planning andmaintenance areas may provide a good solution for continuous sampling planmodel but lead to cost increase of maintenance and production planning models. Thesethree elements has close relationships, that’s why the solution has more costin total. We should use integrated models to reduce total cost in all three elementssimultaneously. Continuous sampling plans are conventionally applicable only to continuousproduction processes that are statistically in control. Consequently, theycannot be used to quality deteriorating production processes. Moreover existingcontinuous sampling models do not consider interactions with production,inventory and maintenance aspects. We attempt to fill these gaps in theliterature. We investigate the suitable joint design of a continuous samplingplan, make to stock production and maintenance of a stochastic productionsystem subject to both quality and reliability deteriorations. Two continuoussampling plans are compared with a 100% iection model. For three models. Theoptimization problem is to minimize the total incurred cost under a constraint onthe outgoing quality. A combination of mathematical formulation, simulation andresponse surface methodology is used to solve these stochastic and constrainedproblems. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the resolution approachand to highlight some interesting aspects in the interactions betweenproduction, inventory, quality and maintenance. The results obtaineddemonstrate that CSP-1 and CSP-2 have less total incurred cost compared to 100%iection model. In addition, CSP-2 operates better than CSP-1 in a certaindomain of deteriorating quality rate.