There are many problems such as high consumption of sodium cyanide which forms cyanide complexes ( CuCN 4 3- , CuCN 3 2- , CuCN 2 - ) during the extraction of gold from copper-gold ores using conventional cyanidation process. In this research, cyanidation and SART processes were employed as a two-step process for copper and cyanide recovery in the first step and gold recovery in the second step from Dalli copper-gold oxide ore (Markazi province). Preliminary experiments were performed in shake flasks which obviously confirmed the cyanidation process with 80% recovery of copper. Then around 30 kg of the ground sample was placed in a column reactor (height: 120 cm, and diameter: 25 cm) for 140 days under cyanidation. During this process, effective parameters on the column reactor were studied which showed that sodium cyanide concentration, irrigation rate, and rest period were effective to recover copper. After this period, the recovery of copper and gold were about 62% and 80%, respectively and the sodium cyanide