Switched systems are a H ? and strict passive constraints can be modeled in this way. Moreover, bounded peak to peak gain could be useful to decrease the effect of disturbances on outputs for which less limiting conditions on inputs are needed than and generalised performances. The problem of bounding outputs peak amplitude for bounded disturbance inputs is called bounded peak to peak gain. This performance could be useful to decrease noise effects on system outputs in wireless networked systems. The importance of linear switched positive systems have been highlighted because of their extensive applications such as communication network and biological systems. In positive systems, states and outputs vectors remain nonnegative whenever initial states and inputs vectors are nonnegative. An important point about switched positive delay systems is that the closed-loop model must be positive. This thesis investigates general quadratic and bounded peak to peak gain performances for discrete-time linear switched systems with time-varying delays such that the closed-loop switched system is globally uniform exponential stable and positive for arbitrary switching signals and switching signals with ADT greater than a positive certain constant. By Lyapanov-Krasovskii functional theorem, sufficient conditions are formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities. For illustrating the effect of these results, the quadruple tank system model is employed. Key Words: Switched Delay System, Positive System, General Quadratic Constraint, Bounded Peak to Peak Gain, Arbitrary Switching Signal, Constrained Switching Signal, Linear Matrix Inequality.