Potato is one the most important human food sources. Nowadays, different kinds of potato products such as granule, flour, starch, canned and fried products are produced. French fries or fried potato sticks are slices of potato with 6-7 cm length and 1cm 2 cross section which are par-fried in hot oil. Decreasing the amount of acryle amide and remained oil in the final product and ueses of new methods in product fried potato sticks is one of the purposes of the recent developing studies in fried potato sticks industry. Recently attend to uses of microwave ovens for fried potato sticks production. In this method frozen French fries placed in microwave oven for final preparatio in the first stage of study, after peeling and preparing sticks of 0.8*0.8*8 cm dimensions, the Stepwise blanching process with hot water was carried out for two stages, first, in water temperatures of 85 ?C for 6 min and second 60 ?C for 20 min. and seconds the blanched sticks were coating in three different concentration of CMC gum solution for 1 min. Then, the coated sticks were dried by a cabinet driyer with air temperature, 65 ?C and air velocity of 1.2 at three different time (5, 20 and 35 min) before deep par-frying in oil at 180 ?C. Finally, par-fried sticks placed in microwave oven for 2.5 min. Color indexes (L*, a*, b*), texture (maximum force observed during penetration test (N)), moisture and oil content, shirinkage and acryl amid content of samples were evaluated during drying and par-frying and after placed in microwave oven. various examination, the effect of these factors was investigated using RSM design. The results showed that, coating with CMC gum solution have a significant effect on oil absorption, acryl amid content, dry matter and texture of the final product. Also drying process significant effect on oil absorption, acryl amid content, dry matter and texture of the final product. In addintion par-frying significantly affects the oil absorption, acryl amid content, dry matter, shrinkage and texture of the final product. Keywords: French fries, par-frying, coating, microwave, acryle amides