The Hall effect in ferromagnetic materials, in addition to the normal part originating from the Lorentz force, contains a supplementary part due to the spin-orbit coupling, called the anomalous Hall effect. While the normal Hall conductivity is proportional to the applied magnetic field, the anomalous Hall conductivity is found to be proportional to the magnetization and is usually much greater than the normal part. In recent years, the anomalous Hall conductivity has been explained in the modern language of Berry phase and Berry curvature. The Berry phase is a kind of geometry phase being acquired by a wave vector when it moves along a closed path in the phase space. The integral of the Berry curvature over the surface enclosed by the closed path is the Berry phase of the corresponding path. According to the different studies, the Berry curvature has sharp and rapid variations in k-space. Therefore, in order to converge the required integrals, the Berry curvature has to be evaluated over millions of kpoints in the Brillouin zone, leading to expensive computational cost. Wannier interpolation technique has been proposed as an efficient approach for solving the problem and obtaining accurate electronic structure on a very dense kmesh. In this work, we develop appropriate programs for calculating the Berry curvature in any kpoint by using Maximally Localized Wannier Functions. Then the intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity is determined in the frame work of the semi Key Words anomalous Hall conductivity, Berry phase, Berry curvature, spin-orbit coupling, wannier function, Fe, Co, Fe thin film.