Recently statistics shows that the cancer is the most deadly disease in the world. In fact genetic information changes can lead to uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells and this is the general definition of cancer cells. There are many open questions in this area which captured my interest to research in this topic. One of these challenges is the Warburg effect. This phenomenon is related to the metabolism of a cancer cell and states that cancer cells, even in the presence of oxygen instead of providing energy from a more efficient respiration process, energize through the inefficient glycolysis process, and this energy forms the adenosine triphosphate molecule or the same ATP is released. In this study, we examined the cancer cells population which performs by two metabolisms of respiration and glycolysis and it is based on evolutionary game theory. By applying replicator equation and public good game, we have examined tumor population to observe whether the results of the public good game are closer to the reality of the tumor heterogeneity. Also by changing the public good game parameter we could show that treatment with metabolic methods. Therefore, that cells instead of energizing with Warburg effect, can more efficiently respiration their energy through a more efficient process than treatment Radiation therapy and chemotherapy