One of the human beings' interests is the production of a robot that can exactly repeat human behavior in a similar way. One of these behaviors is doing some games, as an illustration, football. Therefore, researchers are trying to imitate this human behavior whether by training humanoid robots or planning the existing ones, and also train the robots in order to learn these behaviors.In this study, we have investigated shooting and walking of a robot called Nao as the examples of typical human motions. Soccer is one of the most active areas in the RoboCup World Champion league, which has witnessed the presence of teams from around the world every year. In this tournament, the speed and precision of the attacker increasingly affects the level of the game.Shooting and walking is one of the key skills in robot football competitions. In the process of shooting, there exists a discontinuity between the time of shooting and the time of walking due to keeping the balance of the robot. This discontinuity wastes the time between these two operations. The purpose of this dissertation is to implement a method for shooting at the time of walking. It means that the robot does not stop behind the ball to shoot and kicking is a part of the robot's steps.The proposed strategy of using walking techniques based on the zero moment point of the torque due to the fact that keeping the balance or controlling the stability during the walking time is obligatory. This action would be feasible with the combination of a reverse pendulum and a zero moment point. To do this, the researcher attempts to use the zero moment point as well as the movement of the center of robot's mass in previous steps and the current position in order to produce the next footprint of the robot.Using a Zero Moment Point, the researcher generates the robot walking pattern. Then, by implementing the boundary conditions of the robot center, we optimize the location of the Zero Moment Point to control the transition from one state to another. This will produce reactive controls which will lead to robot's combinatory and dynamic walking style while it switches between the reaction and the prediction of the Zero Moment Point. This method is applied for dynamic kicks (shooting). The results prove the reliability of this techniqueThe method has been implemented via simulated soccer robots.Keywords: 1- Humanoid Robot 2- Zero Moment Point 3-walk 4-Shoot 5-Simulation Soccer 3D